Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mixed feelings...

So almost one year ago we were set to get out of the Air Force and I was SO READY! I was just so with the date approaching I seem to be in complete denial! Our actual out date is December 20th but with all the leave we have saved up it looks more like October...Edwin is applying like crazy to jobs but we haven't heard back from any yet so keep praying! Back to the issue at hand...why are things so different now? Well I have made some good friends here, one of them just a little boy yesterday! Also Ellie is starting kindergarten but I think the biggest thing is how I am so comfortable in my job at the YMCA now...I mean it is kind of like having an extended family...I have the people I am used to seeing everyday and I just love the classes that I am we just got spinning bikes (I taught my first spin class last night and it was awesome!) I know I can find that somewhere else but to those who know me well you know, for some reason, I don't adapt to change as well as you would think! Plus, I guess I was so exited about the thought of being closer to home and now that might not I don't know...I guess it hit hard today because I had to inform my boss that I was leaving in a couple of months and she really doesn't want me to leave :) I guess when Edwin gets a job and I know where we are going I will start to be more exited, but for now I really have mixed feelings about it all...

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