Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ellie's 1st bus ride...LOST!!!

ok so Edwin and I had already decided that I would take and pick up Ellie from school...I mean it's the safest thing for a 5 year old right? But Ellie kept going on about how she wanted to be a "bus rider" i decided to let her ride home with her friend Kamri because she got dropped off what would happen right? Well Kamri's mom called me and Kamri got off the bus but Ellie didn't!! so I rush over to the school and they make a call to radio the bus driver and she said Ellie wasn't on her bus. So then they call Ellie's teacher and she said that she put Ellie and Kamri on the bus together, she was sure of if Ellie got on the bus but wasn't on it now but didn't get off with Kamri where was she?????? Can you even imagine what was going thru my head?!! So they call the bus driver again (the bus driver just happened to be a sub yesterday of all days) and she rechecked and Ellie WAS on the bus...did she just want to give me a heart attack or what? So Ellie arrived back at the school safe and sound and that will be the end of her bus riding days for a long while!!!! Not knowing where your child is, is one of the scarriest feelings in the world! I don't know how I will ever handle her getting her drivers license and going on dates and do people do it without God...I mean there is no peace like putting our kids in His hands....thank you Lord for keeping her safe!


T & L said...

aww...i'm so glad she's safe. I once fell asleep on the bus and layed down in the seat. My mom had to go get me at the driver's house.

Wright Family said...

Oh my goodness, Emily, I had the same thing happen to me with Amber and she was eight and an experienced rider..
..I would have been totally flipping out if it were my FIVE yr old!!!...I cannot understand how one bus driver is expected to manage all those kids without any help...Catherine