Sunday, August 10, 2008

Getting the house ready...

So yesterday made our 2 month mark and this sell by owner deal is just not working! So Edwin and I have been scrubbing (I mean SCRUBBING, hand and know I never do that) the heck out of our carpet so we don't have to get new is paying off but boy am I going to be sore tomorrow!! And we are calling a real estate agent tomorrow...we have got to get some help getting people in...even if we are going to have to fork out that real estate agent fees...YUCK!

Oh and you'll never believe what we did! We took all THREE of the kids to Red Lobster today!!! If you know me and you know my kids this was huge!! Ellie has been saying she wanted to go to Red Lobster for months now...Edwin and I are still trying to figure out how she even knows what it is...we VERY rarely go out to eat anywhere. But we finally decided to take them today and they were so good...for those of you who know my kids this may come as a complete shock I know! But they were just a joy to be around and made it enjoyable to do something special for them. If you don't know the kids you're probably wondering why Red Lobster would be so special but hey on a military salary and kids that are crazy it is a big deal :) And Everett loved the live lobsters...he was hilarious...he just kept going up to them smiling and laughing and then would run away screaming only to do it all over again...he is definitely in my very favorite stage...exception of the teething...well hope this makes up for my lack of posts!


Cathy M said...

That's great, I know how much you like Red Lobster:) Mom

cjw said...

You're crazy Em. Your kids are great fun to be around . . . and I don't like many kids.