Monday, August 11, 2008


Seriously...God has blessed us with an amazingly well behaved 3rd child...I mean he just blows us away everyday, until....he starts breaking a tooth!!! Then the screaming won't end :( We have tried everything! We even have tylonol with codine and that only breaks it for a little while! I thought he was just getting 3 but I was putting hurricane gel on his gums and realized he was breaking 3 molars also! Some of the points are already through and I didn't even know it...just pray I can get throught this without screaming MY head off :)

1 comment:

amy said...

i COMPLETELY understand! abby had NO trouble with her teeth and josiah has been teething for months now... screaming and drooling and FINALLY last night it broke through! 1 down, how many more to go???? wow. it's going to be quite fun seeing his little mouth fill up! :) ellie looks precious starting kindergarten. it's amazing how time flies!!!