Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sooner than we thought...

Well we found out today that we actually get out October 2nd! I just don't know what to think about that...we have so much to do and don't even know where we are going!! At least we get paid through December! We still havn't heard either way on the Marietta job and I don't think my body can take much more of not knowing! I am usually really good about not stressing things that I don't have any control over but this is taking a lot! I didn't even realize I was stressed until I looked back on the week and realized I had been really short with Edwin and the kids, had a lot more gray hair (seriously...not kidding! They are actually white :( ) and my face keeps breaking out which never happens! I know I need to be trusting that God has made a place for us and we just need to be patient while we wait to see what He has in store...I am just realizing that my head has not told my body that yet!

In the mean time my kids keep doing little things that keep me laughing...well they keep me yelling sometimes too but today was just kind of funny! I was on my way home from work and I called my house trying to get Edwin and the answering machine came on. But it wasn't the usual message. Ellie or Evan must have pushed the record button at some point and the whole message was Everett screaming and the others whining about something...if anyone called I guess they just got a moment of my crazy life on tape! It was quite funny!

Anyway...keep praying for us...that through this time our trust in God will only grow and pray my body will get the message also! I mean I am only 28 and have gone gray!!!


cjw said...

Get over it girl. I had grays as a freshman in college.

That message was soooo funny. I told your mom you'd blog about it.

amy said...

em... completely understand. we were in the same boat while justin was waiting for a job as a pastor... his active duty time was coming to an end and we were just waiting. but, God provided an awesome job in the perfect timespan. the one thing I learned... God is seldom early, but never late! He will provided for your needs! we're praying for that provision for you guys this fall... and all the details to fall in place (ie selling your house!!!)